Monday, May 30, 2011

I've been gone for a while.....

Sorry for the lack of posts-life has caught up with me, and I am out of poop stories.  Hopefully I will get a few more soon.  I have been temporarily inspired though, and I think I am going to try to post more frequently on the things I see that are uniquely Portland or just plain strange wherever you are.  I believe I will start these posts with this one.

It was awkward to get a pic of two people making out, but trust me, they were unaware of the world around them.  Where were these lovebirds during their tryst?  Well, the coffee shop at Whole Foods, of course!  We stopped in at 5pm to get some stuff and ended up building big, healthy, and entirely unsatisfying salads to eat in their cafe.  As an aside, I have eaten a small plate of nachos and some chocolate milk since dinner in an attempt to fill the void.

On to Billy Bob and Angelina in the pic.  He was a grubby hairy dude, and so was she.  The pic looks like they may have been enjoying a simple kiss; oh no.  It was a full-on makeout session, with tons of tongue, caresses of the face, and some inappropriate touching.  We skipped out only moments before a game of "Just the Tip" most likely broke out.  I'm sure he was about to lay her down on that uncomfortable looking bench and get busy.  It was gross, but also really funny.  My bride and I traded jokes for a good long time.  She is convinced they were on ecstasy- I wonder if other users of X know how awesome the espresso bar at Whole Foods is for a good session of heavy petting in front of tons of old people and their kids?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This Is What Food Photography Should Look Like

I made quiche last night for the first time.  Here is a pic.

Yes, it is covered in Saran Wrap and partially eaten.  I didn't think to take a pic until late in the game.  Still, it looks stunning.  I could have taken a better one, but all quiche pretty much looks the same.  Plus, the plastic wrap is a great lead-in to my idea to start my own food blog- a blog about leftovers.  Yes, I will eat something, refrigerate it, eat it again, then report on it.  How about www.shitIateyesterdayand  That is not a real link, so don't click it. 

I have heard that is somehow effete for men to eat quiche, so maybe I should call it eggpie.  Nope, I'm sticking with quiche.  If you like quiche, you should give it a whirl.  Here is what I did:

Preheat oven to 350F

Dice some pancetta (or bacon) and cook it until crisp
Dice 1/2 onion and add to pancetta
Dice up 1 small red pepper, add after onion is starting to become clear
Add three cloves of chopped garlic to pan- cook another three minutes

In a large bowl, whisk six eggs until whisk-erific
Add the following:
1/4 cup sour cream
A big squirt of spicy mustard
A handful of shredded cheese
The stuff from the pan (pancetta, onion, pepper, garlic)
A handful of chopped spinach
A cup of chopped steamed broccoli

I used a pre-made spelt pie crust, which was pretty good.  Pour the stuff from the bowl into the crust.  Cook for 45 minutes at 350F.

To me, quiche sounds like something that should be hard to make.  It isn't.  Trust me, if I did it a monkey could be enticed with a single ripe banana to do the same.

Mr. F